And so it began...
When I left off, I had just found out about mr peanuts. It was quite an interesting ride, let me tell you! He is absolutely amazing, but I'll get to that part later. I got a referral to see an ob/gyn and made my appt. I went to the appt expecting to have a normal intake type thing and get my schedule. I knew I'd be high risk, but I guess I had no idea how high risk I'd be. When I gave them my past medical, the nurse was rather stunned looking and at the end of the appt tells me she'll run my case by the dr to see if he accepts me. Well guess what? He didn't. Turns out no one in my hobunk hillbilly hell town in bumblefuck california would take me. Not a damn one. I should mention I'm only about 80 miles away from LA at this point I guess. I got to 16 weeks before my insurance could find a dr willing to take my case. She is in LA...and wouldn't deliver me here. I honestly don't remember if ...