Another Weekend in Neverland...
I've got this thing where I disappear for days on end from my friends online. I think I mentioned that once before. Sometimes I have good reasons, sometimes I just need a break or I've gotten into a book and I get all obsessed and can't put it down and I do everything one handed because I can't stop reading. How was THAT for a run on sentence? Anyway, this last weekend I was offline. Not really, I mean, I kept checking Facebook randomly when Memphis would log me in through a game on my iPad or when he'd pin something for me but for the most part, it wasn't me that was there. He had roseola. Any mom that's had a kid with this knows the horror of realizing that your kid has a giant fever and you have no clue why. When Maxwell had it, his fever topped out at 105 and I damn near panicked. Phiz, never got above 103 and by the time I even realized for sure what it was, he had the rash and the fever had broken. He acted totally normal thr...