Big Changes Headed My Way, the Eye of a Storm...
Well folks, I turned forty. I was terribly unhappy for most of my birthday for mostly selfish reasons. I never claimed to not know that I'm a selfish person, or to be some martyr that wants everyone else to just be happy for my birthday. It was a pretty shitty day all around. My family didn't forget me Sixteen Candles style again this year, and they have indeed done that to me. For my 37th in fact. What they did do was spent the day systematically making me feel like total shit in every facet of my being. Not a damn thing I did or said was quite right and made someone mad. I didn't get to go out to dinner like I had been promised for months before, I didn't get even one gift from anyone, anywhere with the exception of a spur of the moment drawing my daughter did because she felt bad for me. I didn't even get to pick what we ate for dinner. I know what you're probably thinking here. Suck it the fuck up, you're a grown ass ...