
Showing posts from May, 2012


So I must apologize for my lack of posting!  It's been a long week, lol.  My daughter turned 18, and I got the pleasure (sarcasm) of discovering that my lovely ex, her sperm donor petitioned the state to cease her support.  Even though she's 18, she still lives at home and has not finished high school.  Normally, support would be continued if the child was still in school, but he petitioned out of it.  Top that off with the fact that he didn't pay last weeks support or the week before and she is pissed.  She feels like he was just itching to get rid of his obligation.  Poor kid.  It's a good thing she's got her real dad here to make up for it.  I also had a massive cervical spine migraine that lasted 3 days, that shit was tons of fun.  It's pretty much subsided with just a few symptoms hanging on.  Unfortunately there is nothing besides drugs to be done.  I like drugs :)  Moving on, and speaking of moving, we've got so...

The Raven...

"Once upon a midnight dreary, While I pondered weak and weary, O'er a many quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore..." Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorite poets, so that's going by memory (gods forbid without google!) forgive me if it failed by a few words. When I moved into this house, barely over a year ago, I was shocked by the amount of ravens in the neighborhood.  It doesn't bother me, I love animals.  Then one morning when my Bear dog was still just a pup of a thing she went about nuts barking at something.  It was a fledgling raven that  had fallen from a nest in my giant pine tree in my backyard.  We took a broom handle and put it back in the branches and that was that.  That same raven still visits us, and sits in the tree in the front when it's quiet. Three days ago, we noticed another baby raven.  This one's a bit younger, a bit less ready to  have left it's nest, but there it was on the ground.  I don't like to touch...

I am Lois...

If you got here from facebook, you already know I am Lois right?  Let me explain.  I'm semi obsessed with the tv show Family Guy.  Way back when, my little family WAS family guy!  I was Lois, my husband was Peter, and we had Meg, Chris and Stewie. I am Lois the screen name was born from that.  I was honestly a little surprised when facebook let me change my official name on my personal page to Lois Griffin.  So, when you see me on other sites with the name Lois, it's just an alter ego if you will.  My real name is kind of unusual, so I rather enjoy having a "normal" name. Moving on :)  I have a lovely silly pic of my very pregnant Bear dog.  We think she's due the first of June or so.  Her babies have been kicking up a storm lately and Max thought it was pretty cool. On an entirely different subject, I caught a picture of Memphis taking a few steps.  I wasn't quick enough to get it on video, but I still wanted to share it he...

What it's really like...

First things first, let me say that I apologize to anyone that feels that monetized blogs are bad and not to be taken seriously.  My previous blogging forum did not offer that option and I didn't realize that doing that would make people view this blog as anything but what it is.  I truly was not out to get rich, I don't even know the password to my AdSense account, I just thought if it was monetized I might get more readers.  Ok, done with that part. What is it REALLY like to breastfeed a toddler?  Well, mr peanuts is not quite a year yet, but I guess he's less of an infant and more of a toddler at this point since he does walk (almost always holding on to something but not because he really needs to, just because that's what young early walkers do).  He's a climber.  He dislikes most baby food and tends to puke up most adult food still.  He has a few things he really likes but he gets so damn gassy!  So, he still at 10 months old nurses about ...


Yeah, I went there, I all capped that shit AND I used a buttload of punctuation :) But yeah, so uh, happy mother's day.  I'll tell you about mine. I was up at 3 am listening to the barking fucking chihuahua next door.  Little shit woke the baby up because my dogs couldn't help themselves but to bark back and well, Bear is quite loud.  So R comes wanting to know if I want a "back rub".  I'd guess most of you know what that means.  No honey, my tit is busy soothing mr peanuts back to sleep, sex is the last thing on my mind.  Eventually, after several rounds of twinkle twinkle I got to go back to sleep. At 7 (normal wake up for mr peanuts is about 8) we're up again.  Raring to go, peanuts climbs on top of me and proceeds to puke all over my shirt.  At least it wasn't on the bed.  I change and we head out to the rest of the house to start the day.  I got the big boys up, Mik (the oldest and only girl) was at my mom's so she probably got ...

You bet your ass I'm mom enough...

The Time cover is all over the net lately.  I was really inspired by the whole thing.  WTF though with the "are you mom enough" shit?  I've had 4 kids, 3 of which I was able to breastfeed and the one I couldn't I pumped for 4 months until I went back to work and my boobs couldn't keep up.  My oldest, I had zero support, and when I was constantly being told I was starving her to death, I caved and switched to formula.  But that was after 5 months of nothing but boobs.  So anyway, at some point today I WILL be taking a picture like that cover, and I will be posting it for all to see. ***Edit to add this pic, this is the closest thing I've gotten so far and it's really not very close, but funny none the less*** I really enjoy the fact that I can nurse my babies.  When my oldest son was born, we'd had no idea he would have a cleft lip/palate.  It was such a shock and it spiraled me into a depression that I was not able to hold him and nurse him....

Pregnant dogs are kind of like pregnant people...

So, my big Bear dog is pregnant.  I know, I'm a horrible pet owner, but that heat just snuck up on me before I got the funds together to get her fixed.  As it turns out my little chiweenie Rocco is indeed old enough now to knock her up.  I've had cats have kittens before, but I've never dealt with a pregnant dog.  Cats are so cool about it, they just act totally normal and then when it's time they hide in a closet and you wake up to cute fluffy little kittens.  I ended up last time keeping 2 and that's why I have 6 cats.  Not really though, lol, those cats are about 4 years old now and my youngest kitties are just barely a year and I'm not sure how old but we think about 9 months or so.   So back to the topic at hand.  She's a good dog, albeit not very well trained, but good personality.  She's got a wonderful knack of letting me know before I have a blood pressure spike or go tachycardic (both happen a little more than I care to admit, but...

Lentils look like shit if you puree them...

So I made hot dogs for dinner with a new (to me) propane grill that I was gifted and I didn't want to feed mr peanuts all those nitrates and salt and crap.  I decided that I'd at least feed one kid something healthy.   So I got out my tiny little Paula Dean (sp?) pan and concocted a lentil slush for him.  He normally doesn't like purees at all so I wasn't 100% sure he's actually eat it but I have a pregnant dog so I knew that SOMEONE would and it would be ok.  I took a couple of frozen asparagus stalks, a handful of baby carrots, and a half a cup of so of lentils and cooked it all together with a spoonful of coconut oil for fats.  It smelled good.  Earthy and yummy smelling.  I got out the immersion blender and mushed that crap up.  It looked like diarrhea.  I tasted it, and it was fucking nasty.  Smelled like it'd be good, but to me it wasn't.   It was SOOOOOO bland!!!  I put some garlic powder in it and it tasted bette...