What it's really like...

First things first, let me say that I apologize to anyone that feels that monetized blogs are bad and not to be taken seriously.  My previous blogging forum did not offer that option and I didn't realize that doing that would make people view this blog as anything but what it is.  I truly was not out to get rich, I don't even know the password to my AdSense account, I just thought if it was monetized I might get more readers.  Ok, done with that part.

What is it REALLY like to breastfeed a toddler?  Well, mr peanuts is not quite a year yet, but I guess he's less of an infant and more of a toddler at this point since he does walk (almost always holding on to something but not because he really needs to, just because that's what young early walkers do).  He's a climber.  He dislikes most baby food and tends to puke up most adult food still.  He has a few things he really likes but he gets so damn gassy!  So, he still at 10 months old nurses about a dozen times a day.  Yeah, you read that right, about every 2 hours all day and all night, just like a newborn.  I don't mind it at all with the exception of the pop offs.  Makes it hard to nurse in public.  I wanted to share this little video with you guys.

This is what it's REALLY like to breastfeed a toddler :)  Or at least MY toddler.  I could be way off and Memphis is just a high energy toddler but I seem to remember Maxwell being the same way.  So suck that Time magazine toddler on a chair picture LOL.  I love that I have this on video and I apologize for the quality of it, but I just had to share it.

Mamatography starts on Monday, so I'm getting my shit together for that.  I do believe we're moving into my mom's house in the next month or so because she just can't live alone and it makes more sense to do it that way.  That will give a ton of things to show you in the future!  Until next time...


Anonymous said…
I just have to ask, since your little one eats so often is he sleeping through the night?
Socal420 said…
Nope! We co sleep, so he at this point, just rolls over & nurses and goes back to sleep though so its not hard for me to deal with. :)

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