
Showing posts from 2016

Since You Asked...

I know, sometimes my titles make no sense to the average person.  I'm pretty sure any of you that have been here more than once have discovered I'm not the average person.  Here again is your friendly warning that you clicked yourself in here, if you're offended you're welcome to leave.  You're also welcome not to return.  You're also welcome to know I give zero fucks if I offend most people.  So continue at your own risk. Ever hear some rumors about yourself and they make no sense?  Or have a mean girls moment and walk into a room and everyone shuts up?  Or overhear a conversation about yourself and know damn well it's not true?  Well, I have that happen a lot.  It's ok, I'm pretty secure in who and what I am.  You don't get to be where I am in life and not be.  The funny thing is, the imagination some people have is astounding.  And I'm not anywhere near sure how I would be at all interesting enough to be a topic of gossip ...

Work Work Work...

Except it's not really work when you find people you enjoy being with right?  So let me tell you what's going on in my world.  And here again is your friendly reminder that you clicked in here, you picked to be here so anything in this lil ole blog of mine that offends your delicate sensibilities?  Well, I don't particularly give a fuck and you can go cry somewhere else.  Moving on. My life in a nutshell has been pretty cool.  With the exception of the hiccup a little while back and yeah, it was kind of a big hiccup I admit, things are better right now than they have been in a long long time.  My new work environment has a lot to do with that.  Yep, it's actual work people.  Someone really truly paid money for pictures of me.  Surprising I know.  But when you have someone that's really good at taking the pics and editing them, I guess it doesn't matter how many flaws you have or how fucked up you are in reality.  All that really m...

The Life I Lead...

Yeah, it's me again.  I do this sometimes, ya know, that thing where I actually give a shit about life and try to make a go of things?  So fuck what you heard it's what you hearin.  Yup, I'm quoting DMX.  What else to you expect the girl with the Deadpool tattoo to do? Damn I hate this shit though...I hate the not knowing.  But I do know this:  It always works out the way it's supposed to.  Always.  Today is a significant date for me, for Ronnie, for our family.  My whole world changed 12 years ago, and for the worse, for the better, forever.  I lost a baby 12 years ago today.  Not a miscarriage per se, but a premature stillbirth due to amniotic infection.  It's a long story, I think I've told the story before if you look back through the archives and I choose not to taint my happiness today with the hurt and heartache retelling it causes.  So I won't.  Needless to say,  he was lost, and it changes a person. ...

Onward Hoe...

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Yep, One More Post For The Cunty Twatlips That Have Moved On....

So...when you move on from something and no longer care you don't click into a link to see what you can see.  I get email all the time that I never check, never click the links, never check to see what the blog said because I truly don't care.  When you click this link to get here (which you'll have to do to see it) you make yourself a choice to be here.  You make yourself a choice to show that you've been because again, the internet is a truly mysterious gadget for some people, but when you have a monetized blog it records individualized clicks.  So when you come in from the same phone over and over again, blogger tells me.  Or when you're coming in from another android device.  Or ios.  When I get curious enough, I can check the IP addresses too.  And I can see if it's the same person reading the same post over and over (or um...showing everyone they can think of because they got mentioned by name and wowie how special are you that...


Yeah, I'm actually writing a post.  I know, I must have some time on my hands or something to complain about or something.  Well I have none of the first and a whole fucking lot of the second.  This is where I will do two things, first, remind you that you clicked to come here and made a choice to be here so if you're reading it and you get offended or butthurt because of something I'm saying it's your own fucking fault ya goddamed baby and second, it's my fucking blog if I want to use it to bitch the next person that accuses me of being attention seeking is going to get cunt kicked.  Yeah bitch that clicked just to see if it was about you....I do mean you and your puss baby and her cohorts that wanna talk shit.  Bring it the fuck on, I'm healthy now.  You know where I'm at, come the fuck on. Just make sure you bring it big twatsicle because I'll make sure all my shit's loaded and ready. Now that I've gotten that out of the way yes, I have aggr...

Back To The Grind...

Maybe literally, depending on who or what I may be grinding on lol.  So I know it's been a really long time.  It's been busy, hectic, every adjective you can imagine to put in there for I can't handle all the shit life has thrown at me.  Obviously I sold the house and moved months ago.  Like almost half a year now.  And as much as I love my new place and am glad to be away from the poison that was my old dwelling, this house is no more affordable and is not being kept any cleaner.  That's what happens when you live in a world that no one thinks they have to work or clean up after themselves or their child/ren. My granddaughter is over a year old now.  My baby is going to be five in just a few short weeks and my mother is still here.  Lingering like the shit demon she has become.  I would love to put her in a nursing home and people ask us ALL THE TIME why we haven't done that yet.  We are trying to.  Desperately.  But no one ...