A Long Time Ago In A Land Far Away...

 A long time ago in a land far far away I was an unruly teenager terrorizing the Antelope Valley.  I worked two jobs to support myself and my habits and no kids because I didn't want them.  I don't particularly like children.  I babysat as a kid, because didn't we all back then? But I didn't even like myself as a kid, let alone want to make more people like me.  Then one day I woke up doubled over in pain and my gallbladder was full of stones and I ended up needing emergency surgery to remove it.  When they went in there, they took my appendix out too because it's just something they did in the early nineties.  When they did that they accidentally or on purpose severed the Fallopian tube on their way down.  They explained due to the scar tissue and adhesions they saw on my left ovary and tube in other procedures they said I would never have kids. They were wrong.

Six weeks later I conceived my daughter.  I didn't figure that out for quite some time.  But the timing was impeccable.  She is nothing less than an absolute force of nature. Once I realized what was going on, and that I was definitely knocked up I told her biological father.  I'm not going to drag him so if you're hoping for that, you're not getting it.  He just wasn't ready to be a dad then...and I was so. out of my mind in love with a clump of cells that I didn't want to do anything other than be a mother.  I went from disliking all things child to wanting nothing more than to give these cells a chance.  And so I did.

She's going to be 28 in just a couple days.  I'm insanely jealous of her ability to parent.  I love her more than my own life and she drives me crazy every single day. of the world.

A son is a son until he takes a wife a daughter is a daughter for all of her life.  I never expected to be sharing a bathroom with her at this age though.  I love every second of it.

She came into this world like absolute lightning.  I was in labor for more than 24 hours.  Went to the hospital and was sent home at 2 cm being told to come back when my water broke (she was born en caul), when my contractions got longer, stronger or closer together.  None of that happened.  At one point it entered my mind that my mom had told me I'd think I needed to shit. I thought I needed to shit and I panicked because it was 3 am, we were 40 minutes from the hospital and the entire house full of 10 other people had gone to bed.  Ronnie would not wake up, I ended up throwing shoes at the wall until my brother and his girlfriend heard me and came in and understood IT WAS FUCKING GO TIME. 

In a whirlwind we made it to the hospital with me on all 4s in the back of a 1967 Dodge Dart and when we got there they held her in as we made it up to L&D.  They attached a monitor to her head nicking my amniotic sack but not breaking it and with three good pushes she came out with a bang and the doctor gasped, tore the sack at her head, suctioned her and she screamed bloody fucking murder.  The gasping came entirely from a child born en caul (meaning still in her amniotic sac) and on her due date as well.  Two very rare occurrences in one birth.  Healthy birth.  I had some tearing so they sewed me up after the placenta was delivered, we had our bit of recovery and before midnight we were back in our own bedroom learning to love each other.  

I changed forever on May 21, 1994 at 4:01 am.

Until next time...


PS I know some of you here are only here because you're genuinely curious and for that I appreciate you.  If there is ever a time that I can help you with my stories, or my experiences, I hope I am and I do <3


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